Our furbabies are our best friends, the loves of our lives, our furry family members. Pets bring us joy, frustration, laughter, and tears. BUT – we wouldn’t have it any other way! They are part of who we are.
Humans have forged an immeasurable bond with animals and have had cats and dogs as companion animals for centuries and more. Animals have formed cross species relationships to amicably, and sometimes rather comically, abode in peace with us in our homes as pets for life.
Our incredible furry creatures capture our hearts and our lives and we owe it to our pets to give them the best they deserve, basically the world! There’s a common saying of “Who rescued whom?” and quite frankly, we think that cats and dogs rescue us more often than not. Do most dogs really want to stay inside all day? Of course not! That’s why so many jump a fence to chase the neighbor’s cat or a pair of squirrels that tease it relentlessly. What about the cat? We all know cats want to rule the world – is that really possible from your living room window? Probably not, but it’s the cat’s kingdom and they rule the space in which they live. Dogs and cats sacrifice, albeit generally quite willingly, to be our beloved lifelong companion animals.
We hustle in our daily lives with work, errands, kids, networking, and school, often trying to squeeze in time just to take our dog for a quick walk or to throw a ball for five minutes.
Let’s take a step back.
Focus on them for a few minutes. Sure we are all busy, we’re guilty of that here too, but maybe we can add just a little more time for our pets. Maybe it’s not even time for our pets that’s needed but just a shift in thinking. On your next trip to the grocery store toss in an extra bag of organic carrots for your dog – it won’t take more than an extra 30 seconds, costs only a couple bucks, and your dog will absolutely LOVE you for it.
Tell us your quick ideas to show your dog or cat a little extra attention!
Bark at Us!