After seeing friends face canine cancer, disabled dogs, and dog sports injuries, then having two of our own senior pups experience mobility issues, we wanted to find out how we could help pet parents assist their dog with getting around and increase their quality of life. Our first senior dog passed before we could find a good solution for his injury related mobility issues, but our next senior dog experienced many levels of mobility issues resulting from neurological decline. Fortunately we were able to use multiple options that made his life comfortable and allowed him to enjoy life to the fullest despite not being able to walk on his own.
It is from working with area veterinarians and from our own experiences that we are now proud to be able to recommend and offer solutions for dogs with mobility issues. We’ve teamed up with Handicapped Pets who make Walkin’ Wheels wheelchairs for dogs, splints for dog injuries, and walking support harnesses for injured or disabled dogs. We are proud to be a Walkin’ Wheels approved pet professional to help guide you in selecting mobility devices and wheelchairs for dogs! We are Walkin’ Wheels Certified Specialists!
Buy A Walkin Pets Dog Wheelchair Now!